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  1. Registration fees ` 50 per head

  2. Individual event.

  3. Use of any unfair means whatsoever shall result in disqualification.

  4. The participants should not mishandle the PCs and consoles. In event of misuse and destruction of property the participant will be liable to pay.

  5. Participants are allowed to bring and use their own equipment.

  6. The format of the tournament depends on the number of participants.

  7. In case of any conflict, the decision of the judges shall be final and binding.


Staff Co-ordinator :

Mr.A.Alexander / AP / ECE

E-Mail :


Student Co-ordinator :

Manikandan N (IV ECE) - 7092126996


Venue:  Networking lab

Date:    20/09/2018

Time:    9:30 - 2:30 am

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